Thursday, April 2, 2020

Social-Distancing! (Post #3)

Yesterday, I attended a virtual presentation for my art major about the Batman and Batwoman comics. It was on how the museums depicted in the comics portray post-colonialism and racism such as an exhibit on indigenous American artifacts is called "The Mexican Room". I guess when invloving race it should be more accurate but it all depends on the author's own bias, like one participant said. Next week there will be a Zoom presentation on copyright law in art, it's at 10:30 am so I might get up early to watch that.

I was supposed to attend my drawing class online on Zoom but I was expecting an e-mail invite but never got it. Turns out on the Canvas page there a link to Zoom where all of the meetings are but I totally forgot about that. So I miss the whole class. Oh well, it was probably only about 15 minutes anyway because it was just about our progress of our work and any questions. But I'll remember that Zoom link for Monday.

Then I walked outside for 30 minutes. I was about the to pass this girl I passed once already, but then see walked off to the street to social distance me. This is just getting crazy.

I watched Dr. Phil where he had guests who contracted the coronavirus and got better. I noticed one guest had some type of Naruto poster against his wall. That was nice to see, especially on Dr. Phil.

Then I went to Walmart and now they are really enforcing this social distancing thing by creating a walkway with carts and putting signs on the floor to make sure everyone is 6 feet away from each other. There is still no toilet paper and hand sanitizer. When will this all end?

Then I wrapped up the night by playing Paper Mario TTYD.

Will talk about my work experience that happened today... tomorrow!

Have a good day!

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